I've found that I really like narrow histories. This for example:
Yep, it really is about salt. It's quite interesting. Kurlansky places salt into the foreground of history. Very foreground if possible. I've read other books like this before, and I have trouble believing that the subject is as integral as the author claims. Still, engrossing. Also, there are recipes. For ancient methods of salting fish. Neat
I read this for class (research ethics):
The idea is a nice one: dramatize research and difficult ethical questions. The execution sucks. The writing is just painful. I've heard that Djerassi's plays are pretty good. It seems like this would be a better play. But still, pretty awful. The ethical issues aren't really that well developed. And Djerassi gives some silly, random shout-outs to The Pill (which he developed). The characters are pretty pitiful as well. Stick to the science, sir.
I should be reading journal articles, not writing this. But, alas, a certain university's online library access is unneccesarily complex. Can't get to half the articles I need. Most of them are in fairly high-impact journals too. Oh well
So, can you tell me anything new about Kosher Salt now???
drater (I want to use these as jumble words, but I'm afraid I've got nothing...unless the 'd' was an 'a' and then I'd have errata. I feel like an academic now...)
Did you know that in modern America (and for some years hence) people pretty much buy the same amount of salt no matter what happens to its price? Salt goes from $0.10 to $1.00, people still buy the same amount. Amazing! Economics! Too many exclamation marks!!
In other news, I have a bookmark folder dedicated entirely to OU library journal access. First I find articles on google scholar, then look them up through the library page so I can read them.
Somehow neither of those comments turned out cool enough for a blog post.
Salt is the stuff of life. Everyone knows this. As Dante laments to his long-dead ancestor Cacciaguida, "si' come sa di sale/ il pane altrui". Katy, you should read "the history of the world in six drinks". Emily: the verification was totally "lingo". No contest.
Joel: Already did. It was nifty.
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