July 9, 2008

Hooray! House!

I have a place to live in the fall. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera.
Maryland is really pretty, if humid. So, there's trees everywhere, and hills too. Big trees. This is quite lovely. Except for the roads. These roads, you see, don't run north-south and east-west. The direction you start out is probably not the direction you'll be going in about 5 minutes. These roads definitely don't intersect at right angles. And don't even think about missing your turn, going another mile, and looping back around to where you should be. That might land you in Pennsylvania. Now in the OK, you can see where you're going for a good way off. You know: Oh, there's the gas station over yonder a piece (or: I can see the gas station; it's in the distance). And by seeing destination, you can usually get there. Now in Maryland, you probably aren't going to see your target, for all the trees. But if you do, the road you think leads in that direction does not. This is really my way of saying that I got lost a lot for the first 2 or 3 days.
Also, I really like being able to get the Washington Post. This makes me quite cheerful


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you won't be sleeping in the woods. :)